
rain cleans away da worries and pains

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jordan Witzigreuter

mm,for those y xtau nma nih mst egt he's a german. tp nope!
Aku rsa ramai lar y tau the ready set which famous for the song "love like woe". The ready set is not actually a band. It just one person and that person is Jordan Witzigreuter.

nih dy, nice hair right?!!keke

knap aku cta sai dy nih? mesti lar coz i'm a fan.. mybe a fanatic one.
lagu2 dy nih not bad,well i mean great.awesome!
-young forever
-more than alive
-hollywood dreams
semua lar lagu dy best2,layan.=))
aku dulu tau lagu love like woe je,xde mnat sgt the ready set.
then kwn aku,akin (bkn nma sbenar) y introduce ak gn lagu2 dy y len..
i totally hook up! thx to her..

this is love like woe,make my heart melts:

1:52 and 2:36 (epic)

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I'm trying to live as humanly as possible. Please don't judge but do correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks. P/s: My grammar maybe a little bit off. Lama tak blaja BI. Pandang sebelah mata saja la ea?


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